February 11th, 2025
Hello all!!
Well life hasn’t gotten musch easier with this pain. I went to my pain management dr yesterday and he ended up adding an extra pill a day for my pain, as well as a nerve pain med to help with this ungodly pain.
For the past 5 days, I have been falling asleep at 11pm-12am. Than I am woken up by the severe pain in my hips, back, and legs. I don’t understand why this pain is so bad, it isn’t like the old pain.
This pain I am having is way worse than the pain I had before the surgery. I sit here daily and wish I never even had this surgery. I still can’t do anything, heck I can barely walk to check the mail and back without being in severe pain.
I also applied for my disability and of course I got denied. Thankfully a friend just went through this and she gave me the information for her lawyer. I am also trying to figure out my financial aid stuff so I can start back at school again.
Off to read my book..
February 6th, 2025
I don’t even know where to begin. First off the weather has been amazing here in Colorado.
We’ve been having temps in the 50’s to high 60’s, of course that will change next week when we drop back down to the 30’s again. It’s winter for crying out loud, I want it to snow!!!
We had our granddaughters 2nd birthday party last weekend, and that slap wore me out. But she had the best time ever playing games and eating cupcakes.
I miss not being able to have her with me everyday like I used to before my surgery. I got to see her twice this week and it was so nice, her just loves her Mimi.. She is my little broke bestie!
We’re going to get her next weekend though to spend some time with her and make cookies and all. So, I am really looking forward to that.
My pain has been overwhelming at times, I can’t even walk to the mailbox and back without being in severe pain, I was really hoping by now that it would all be better and I would be free. I guess noone is ever pain free.
I see a new pain management doctor next week, so hopefully they will be able to help me more than the one I have been seeing. If not, that’s okay too!! I have lived with this pain for over a decade now.
All I really have been doing is reading, working on my diamond art, and crocheting. I am not used to being so bored!!
Well, I will catch y’all later!!!
February 1st, 2025 UPDATE!!
Today was a rough one..
We had our granddaughters second birthday party today. We still needed to get her gifts, since I am still unable to drive and barely do anything, my husband took me to Target to grab some stuff.
Worst idea of my life!! We were only there for 15 minutes, and I had to have him stand behind me, as my legs felt like they were about to give out, and the pain was so intense.
Then onto Chuckie Cheese for her party, we were there for an hour and a half, by the time we got done I could hardly get into the truck. My husband had to physically help me into the truck, and get me into the house. I thought I would be alright since I do walking around the house, but nope!!
I did pick up a new book that just came out, I have to read the second book in the series to start this one.
I have a bad feeling that this pain is going to set me back a few days. UGH!!
I am getting so impatient!!
I really want to be able to do things, clean the house, drive, do laundry, anything…
I have been keeping busy with reading, crocheting and doing my diamond art.
January 27th, 2025 UPDATE!!
I don’t even know where to begin!!
This spine surgery has been a rough road for sure, from dealing with the worst pain ever and that sciatic nerve waking up.
I ran out of pain meds, so being in Colorado and 420 is legal… I took the route of edibles…
Wasn’t my best decision..lol.
Y’all I have been high out my mind for 3 days off of these dang things. I am not normally one to do any 420 stuff, but I called my husband and daughter my little helper elves.
I went to pain management today and all he did was laugh at me, I for the most part have a pretty cool PM doctor.
I think what has been the worst for me, is the boredom!!! The not being able to shower, do the dishes, the laundry, or even walking the dogs…
I just really want to be able to do these things again. To take some of the stress of doing it all off my husband, I know it is going to take time. This is the slowest pace I have ever had to do.
Right now, with tomorrow being 3 weeks post-op, I as of right now, wish I never had this surgery…
I hope that it will get better and my body will heal and not reject the hardware..
Update for 1/20/2025
Boy, today was a bad day! I woke up in severe pain, couldn’t walk, move, or hardly do anything but cry. I know that this is a huge surgery and a big process of slow healing, but let me tell you what the surgeon did. Last week she lowered my meds to the lowest they can go and has me only taking one every 8hrs. Now, if I knew I was going to be suffering after the surgery more than before it, I wouldn’t have had it done at all. It literally took me 8 hrs of throwing up, and passing out from the pain. I called her office crying and asking why I have to suffer like this.
The receptionist said “ I will pass along the note, and have her contact you.” Guess what didn’t happen… You guessed it!! She NEVER called me. But around 5pm I get an alert that she called me in a steroid pack. So, let’s add more stuff to my body and just toss the dice to see if that helps.
I go to see my actual surgeon on Wednesday thank the Lord above, and I am going to ask him “ if all of his major surgery patience suffer like this “ I will not have another surgery ever again… I am not a junkie, I am in severe pain and I don’t feel like I should be suffering like this.
On another note, my staples… It looks like my skin is growing over them already, so guess who’s gonna be hurting like a mother come Wednesday afternoon? You guessed it…. ME!!! Rant over, thanks for listening…
Taking it one day at a time!!
I never thought that having this surgery was going to be this hard. I feel like a burden to my family, I can’t dress, shower, or even cook for myself. Hell, I can barely get in and out of bed, but I am trying to do this. I just feel mentally exhausted from having to lean on my husband for everything. He works an 8 hr shift, then has to come home and tend to my needs. Plus do everything around the house. I know he is exhausted and it makes me feel so bad for him. He says he doesn’t mind helping me and being there for me.

Update Jan 16th, 2025
On January 7th, 2025, I went in for a major surgery on my spine. I had an ALIF & PLIF on my L4-L5, back in 2013 I had surgery where they cleaned up the dics and then put them back.
I have to say over the years I have met a lot of different doctors and surgeons, who all told me it was just arthritis and degenerative Disc Disease.
My PM doctor here who isn’t a surgeon even told me it was nothing and all in my head. So he referred me to have spinal injections to help calm the nerves. WASTE OF MY TIME!!
They wanted to do even more injections, but I said “NO, I would like a second opinion and to be referred to a surgeon”, they send out the referral and I meet this new surgeon. I was so ready for him to tell me it was all in my head too, and I just wanted pain meds.
Meeting the surgeon was amazing, he took the time to go over my MRI and show me where my spine is jacked up. Then went over how surgery would be and all of that.
SSOOO…. Here I sit 9 days post-op and it has definitely been one heck of a ride….
Are you ready for this cooler weather??

The temperature dropped 10 degrees already here in Colorado in just an hour. I am wondering how my back is going to respond to these cooler temperatures, I know they’re saying we will be in the negative temps for days.
I’ve had people tell me that with having this titanium in my spine, it will cause me to be colder and stay colder. Guess only time will tell. I have already had a bad pain day, what’s more added to it.
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